Iron Mike MP-5 Pitching Machine
The Masterpitch Iron Mike MP-5 is one of the workhorse machines for anyone wanting to take game like swings and get real fastball timing. The machine arm action is unmatched by ANY machine on the market.
The speed is adjustable from approx. 45mph - 85mph
The machine does not throw off speed pitches; such as curve balls or sliders. Softball version still throws overhand.
Positive feed control option adds $50 and is a mechanic attachment that helps prevent ball jams.
- 80' Long On/Off Switch to control from home plate area
- Ball rack fed - 38 baseball or 28 softball capacity
- Heavy-duty arm and hand system
- Easily converted from baseball to softball
- Built-in low voltage remote control with 80-foot cord
- 4-wheel transport for quick, easy moving
- Lockable arm guard cover
- Electrically powered - 115 volt A.C. motor